Pumpkin muffin with raspberry jam

Pumpkin muffin with raspberry jam

For the first time, even if we consider my previous blog, I am finally able to offer my readers something specifically dedicated to Halloween: it is my pleasure to introduce you to my frightful pumpkin muffin with raspberry jam!!!

I always thought about it, made pictures of the desserts I wanted to prepare… and then for some reasons I always woke up on 31st of October and nothing was done 🙁

Having a blog means starting in advance, as you cannot prepare a recipe, take nice pictures and write a decent post all in one single day…

Anyway, practice makes perfect, so… here I am!! 😀

I really enjoy eating pumpkin soupes, creams or risotto, but I never used pumpkin for making bread, pies or desserts.

First attempt? Obviously, a treat!!

And well, I have to say… I loved it very much… no tricks!!! 😀


Pumpkin muffin with raspberry jam



300g fresh pumpkin

150g flour

1 egg

80g vanilla dark brown sugar

60g (for the mix) + 5g (for greasing the mould) melted butter

60g milk

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 pinch of salt

raspberry jam

melted dark chocolate


Prep time: 20 min

Cook time :35-40 min

Difficulty: medium

Serving: 8 muffins


Remove the skin and the seeds from the pumpkin and cut it in pieces.

Place them in a bamboo steamer and let them cook for 20-25 minutes until tender (check the doneness with a fork).

Pumpkin muffin with raspberry jam_step1

Drain the pumpkin cubes for removing some water and crush them with a smasher or with a potatoes ricer.

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Preheat the oven at 180°C.

Mix all the ingredients, except for the jam, in a bowl.

Grease a Halloween mould

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and fill only half of it with the muffin mixture.

Add a teaspoon of jam to each muffin

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and cover with the remaining mixture.

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Put into the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes (check the doneness with a toothpick).

Decorate the muffin with melted dark chocolate and the jam.

The pumpkin muffin with raspberry jam are ready!!

So… trick or treat? Definitely treat!!


Happy Halloween and…

Bon Appétit!!