Spaghetti with tomatoes and basil

Spaghetti with tomatoes and basil is one of the most traditional Italian dishes.
The main ingredients are definitely typical Italian products and they represent the colours of the Italian flag: basil is green, pasta is white and tomatoes are red. 😉
Have you ever thought about it? Nice, isn’t it!! 😀
This dish is so easy to prepare, that you only need to follow one rule: you just need fresh and good quality products.
It’s summer here and this is the perfect season to prepare this recipe.
It’s tomato season and basil is at its peak of “balsamic time” (which is the period of the year when herbs and plant parts contain the largest amount of active substances)
In this way, you will have a very tasty and delicious dish.
I Promise!!
Of course, you can also use tomato purée and dried basil… but the result won’t be exactly the same! 😉
Eat fresh, eat locally!!
It’s better for us and… for our wallet!! 😀
Spaghetti with tomatoes and basil
Ingredients for 2
150g spaghetti pasta
3 fresh tomatoes
fresh basil
chilli pepper (optional)
extra-virgin olive oil
Wash and dice the tomatoes.
Meanwhile, heat the olive oil and the chilli pepper (if you decide to use it) in a pan.
Add the tomatoes, season with salt and cook for 15-20 minutes,
until the sauce is ready (see the picture below).
Wash 2 or 3 basil leafs, slice and add them to the sauce, once the pan is off the heat.
Cook the pasta al dente.
Place again the pan with the tomato sauce on the ring on a medium heat.
Transfer the cooked pasta to sauce, stir and toss it on a maximum heat for a couple of minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.
Stir and toss again, serve the spaghetti, garnish them with some fresh basil and that it!
Bon Appétit!!